As so many of you know, we recently conducted a survey, asking a series of questions relating to our readers’ current challenges and their priority issues. We were also researching how in future we can best communicate with you; we asked a number of questions relating to your preferences of social media platforms. We have received some fascinating insights!
If you haven’t yet taken the survey, and would like to, (we’d love to know what you think) – take the survey here:
These are the results we have for now:
When we asked “what challenges are you facing now?” – 69% of our clients, indicated that ‘Growing their business and winning more work’ was the major challenge, which highlights that demand remains slack in many business sectors of the economy. If you are not experiencing this, please let us know!
‘Helping their team to perform better’ was of concern to 30% of our clients – obviously a serious issue – with ramifications not just for internal performance but perhaps also reflecting the need for cohesion, drive and motivation when growing a business.
‘Difficult working relationships with peers or one’s boss’ was of concern to 15% of you, and managing inter-personal conflicts amongst our leaders got the vote for 7.6% of our respondents.
(If the numbers don’t add up to 100%, it’s because people were given multiple choice answers.)
The next surveyed area was “the important issues for you this year”, where an outstanding 64% saw ‘Creating a better work-life balance’ to be the most important, whilst ‘Finding more meaning and purpose to what I do’ was the concern of 36%. Both suggest that work is unsatisfying for many people, in some ways or another – and most probably, it is not being discussed at work, with managers or bosses. ‘Building greater self-stature’ concerned 27% and ‘gaining a promotion’ was of concern to another 18%, looking to grow and progress.
Altogether, this feedback suggests to us that our respondents are not thriving, but suffering a range of dissatisfactions with their work, either because their business is not growing, or because their internal work context is not bringing positive engagements with people or their place in the business.
On the question of “what social media platforms are currently used”; 90% currently use Linkedin, 70% Facebook and 50% Twitter. This is surprising to us, as we were not aware how far Facebook and Twitter have become common business communication media. From that standpoint therefore, when asked “which of these social media platforms would you would prefer to hear us from on?”; 67% of you said an Email newsletter! Only 44% said Linkedin and 11% Twitter. We think this is a testament to the popularity of our newsletter and the interesting subject matter of our articles.
Thanks to all of you who responded to the survey. We are taking your feedback seriously, and plan to provide articles to address those specific concerns and areas of interest you have told us you want. We shall provide such articles not just from our newsletter, but also through the posts of Penny Sophocleous on Linkedin, through our Corporate Alchemy page on Facebook and we shall also begin using Twitter.
We appreciate all feedback and comments from you – please answer the survey if you haven’t yet. Click here:
Your views are important to us so email me directly if you’d like to express more:
Penny Sophocleous
7 May 2015