Helping you to increase the value of your staff
By working with us, our clients improve their organisation’s performance by having their most senior executives develop new skills and competences that dramatically increase their value to their firm. Through one-to-one mentoring and coaching and leading edge training programmes, executives are introduced to new learning and techniques that allow them to immediately improve their productivity.
We help executives overcome their blocks to personal growth, by assimilating new learning on emotional intelligence, communication, motivation and delegating. They improve their people skills immeasurably, and by taking time out to think and review important matters, their assumptions are challenged, refreshing new perspectives are opened up and new opportunities for personal development are created.
They learn to change their mindsets, and develop greater personal awareness and responsibility for the growth and development of themselves and their colleagues. They are assisted to reflect more deeply on their experience and also to place themselves in other people’s shoes, to extend their empathy and develop greater collaborative relationships.
We help them adopt a coaching style to enhance their leadership skills and build better team performance, happier people that want to stay with the organisation and achieve greater bottom-line profits. Leaders and managers are assisted to shift to a coach-approach, helping staff find their own solutions, and improving peer communication processes.
They learn new skills in marketing, networking and strategic influencing that helps them win new clients and revenues for the business. Executives are helped to overcome personal confidence issues so they can undertake fundamental networking and business development processes, building important client relationships that support the continuing growth of their organisation.
They receive continuous support on a one-to-one basis, in a confidential circumstance so they can prepare for role changes and develop sustainable personal skills. As no one is perfect, from time to time, some remedial performance issues arise which can be addressed in privacy and specific detail, protecting the ego and self-esteem of the person involved.
They learn to welcome change, embrace opportunities of growth and development, and promote innovative and empowering new strategies of meeting the fast pace of business needs today. They are helped to think through relationships, empower others to handle challenges and acquire new tools to handle stress and conflict.
We at Corporate Alchemy improve the future of senior executives by helping them make outstanding measurable differences to their performance with people, delivering an ROI of 1000% minimum, to their organisations. Objectives, measures and targets are set at the start of assignments and we rigorously evaluate results.
Now that you’ve understood how we work, and want to know more about our special approach to assignments, please click here.